Training in the Martial Art of Systema

Benefits of Systema
- Physical
- Tension and stress relief through exercise
- Agility for all ages
- Core strength
- Endurance
- Mental
- Self-confidence
- Emotional control
- Ability to act under stress
- Spiritual
- Available at advanced level
Systema Principals
- Breathing
- Relaxation
- Structure
- Movement
For More Information – Contact Sergei Kovalov
Phone/Text: (770) 527-4920
Location : At this moment we are traning on Saturdays 10-12 at Don White Memorial Park address: 925(B) Riverside Rd. Roswell, GA 30075
Clothing: We train outdoors. Wear loosing fitting clothes and casual shoes, suitable for light athletics.
For private classes contact Sergei Kovalov directly.